Mondeaux Dam July 2001

July 13, 2001 - July 15, 2001

Every summer my family and the Schneider family would go camping at Mondeaux Dam. My Mom and Dad, Andy, Carl, Selena, Trevor, Justin, Gillian and I had an annual tradition to go camping where my Mom and Carl's Grandma would take them.

There are so many good and funny memories from these camping trips:
  • Impressions - Gilbert Gottfried, Jonny Carson, E.T., etc.
  • The Click-Clock Lady
  • The Ghost with the two red eyes
  • Trevor burning his hands on the grate
  • Trevor hanging on the wall of the dam, then falling off
  • Being trapped in the boat with Andy and Selena during a hail storm when the boat motor decided not to work and then almost going over the dam. When we got back to camp no one noticed we were gone
  • Canoe ride with Selena and Trevor, Trevor and his clothes got thrown out of the canoe in the middle of the water
  • Every year the big lunker was going to be caught and never was
  • Deodorant showers
  • Snake road
  • Endless Hearts games
  • And I'm sure I'm forgetting so many more fun things that happened...

Satcha gave me a tent for my birthday this year, and this was the fist (and last) time it was used.