Barcelona May 2003

May 16, 2003 – May 18, 2003

Satcha’s friend Jon got 2 tickets for them to see Bruce Springsteen in concert in Barcelona at the Olympic Stadium. So, Goretti, Jon, Satcha and I drove to Barcelona to spend the weekend.

We walked around Barcelona during the day and at night Satcha and Jon were going to go see the concert. Goretti and I decided to walk with them to the entrance to see what the atmosphere was like. We had no intentions of going with them to the concert, but decided once we got there that we would see how much tickets were going for. We found some people selling their tickets for 10€-20€, so we each bought a ticket and the four of us went to the concert.

I'm so glad I went!!!! It was really a great concert. Bruce and the band were full of energy, the audience was singing along and dancing and Bruce was running around the stage. I was great!!!!